Our Top Features for 2023

See what you missed — the most-read interviews, charts, and practice tips of '23.

Our Top Features for 2023

The new year is a natural time to reflect.

In recent weeks, we’ve looked back at our most-read clinical posts of 2023 as well as those the staff thought were immediately practice changing.

Today, we conclude our peek through the retrospectoscope with a list of CORRelations’ nonclinical features readers liked the best — the best ROI-generating practice improvements, the deepest insights from Doug Lundy about integrating CORRelations at work, the most-read updates from our DC insider Julie Barnes, JD, and the infographics that raised the most eyebrows. Check out what you may have missed that others enjoyed.

A new year also is a good time to cultivate gratitude. The staff here and I are grateful to have so many engaged readers. We hope in the year to come you’ll continue to enjoy what we share with you, and that you’ll continue to share your thoughts about it back to us. Drop us a line anytime at info@correlations-now.org.

“Efficient Practice”

  • A New, Patient-focused Approach to Immediate Care. One of the most efficient practices I’ve ever seen shared a way to draw remunerative visits away from local emergency departments and emergency rooms, and create a $10 million/year service line by doing so.
  • Free AI-based Innovations to Improve Your Practice’s Internet Presence. Multisite practices and travel clinics allow surgeons to attract patients who need subspecialty-level care from larger geographic areas. But multiple practice settings and decentralized staff teams can mean the same patient questions might get different answers. Never desirable, sometimes dangerous. In this interview, a surgeon offers no-cost, AI-driven tips for modifying practice websites quickly and effectively so they better support patients' and referring doctors' needs.

“What Now?”

“Practical Economics”

“Chart of the Week”