Where is the Much-Needed Transparency in Fraud Settlements?

Have a look at the darker side of our profession in this "Chart of the Week"

Where is the Much-Needed Transparency in Fraud Settlements?
  • Over the past decade, at least 540 physicians negotiated their way out of trouble via civil settlements and continued to practice medicine without restrictions on their licenses despite allegations that included fraud and patient harm.
  • Hospitals and healthcare companies negotiated deals to sidestep prosecution for paying bribes, falsifying patients records, and billing the government for unnecessary services.
  • While the U.S. government collected $26.8 billion in settlements and judgments between 2013 and 2022, victims received no share of these.
  • Lack of transparency is the rule, not the exception: In at least 28 states, medical boards can issue confidential disciplinary orders without public disclosure, not even to the complainant.


Reuters. How Doctors Buy Their Way Out of Trouble. Accessed July 3, 2023.