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Thank you for signing up for CORRelations. As a free member, you will receive posts we occasionally make freely available. Through these selected posts, we hope you are able to see how CORRelations benefits the busy orthopaedic practitioner with its expert information, time-saving approach, and practical features.

CORRelations is unique in that it blends clinical and business features, allows readers to get information targeted by specialty, and is written to be used in the small slices of time busy practitioners find most days.

Features include:

  • Need to Know — short summaries of new research that may help you improve the way you practice
  • Practical Economics — insights into evolving policies that impact the bottom line
  • Efficient Practice — short case studies of ways other practices have found to make their lives easier and their practices more efficient
  • Chart of the Week — important data summarized in easy-to-read charts with a handful of take-home messages

Published nearly every weekday, CORRelations hopes to ensure that orthopaedic surgeons in private practice can take care of their patients, run their businesses, and advance their career goals as efficiently and effectively as possible.

We hope you find the selection of free articles you’ll receive useful. If you ever wish to upgrade to a full subscription, simply click the “Subscribe” button on the site, or use the button below to upgrade your plan.

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