U.S. Medical Liability System Due for an Overhaul

Some eye-popping figures about the med-mal environment — where do you stack up?

U.S. Medical Liability System Due for an Overhaul
  • Concerns about being sued influences practice choices: Physicians have measurably altered their scopes of practice and ordered more tests for fear of liability.
  • The patchwork of policies in different U.S. states creates differences in liability risk.
  • For each of the last four years, a bigger percentage of premiums increased than in any year since the 2000s.
  • For $1 million per claim and $3 million aggregate policies, states without caps on non-monetary damages have substantially higher premiums.
  • There is a physician-led advocacy movement that is pushing for reform. Visit www.ama-assn.org/state-liability.


American Medical Association. Medical Liability Reform Now! 2023. Accessed June 9, 2023.

American Medical Association. Policy Research Perspectives. Accessed June 9, 2023.