Timing Elective Surgery After a Patient’s MI or Stroke

A vast analysis suggests waiting 12-18 months between cardiovascular event and major orthopaedic surgery to decrease the risk of death

Timing Elective Surgery After a Patient’s MI or Stroke

What’s the Claim?

Perhaps the greatest imperative we face when recommending surgery is ensuring that the patient survives. An enormous registry study helps us do that. It found:

  • The 30-day risk of death following surgery among patients with a prior cardiovascular event — acute coronary syndrome (ACS) or stroke — was elevated if elective surgery was performed within 14 months of the cardiovascular event.
  • For major procedures where there’s otherwise a low risk of death (like hip arthroplasty), an elevated risk of death was observed if surgery was performed within 18 months of ACS or stroke.
  • Risk decreases steeply over time, but the adjusted odds of death after orthopaedic surgery remained nearly double even 12 months after a cardiovascular event.

Although this is observational research, these findings are both practical and important — about 10% of patients who had surgery within a year of a cardiovascular event died within 30 days of that surgical procedure, so these findings deserve our attention.

How’s It Stack Up?