Suture Choice After Carpal Tunnel Release — Religion or Science?

It can, and should, be science — and patients can guide us here

Suture Choice After Carpal Tunnel Release — Religion or Science?

What’s the Claim?

We almost hesitated to cover this because surgeons’ approaches to closing incisions sometimes seems more like religion than science, but ours is a scientific discipline, so here goes . . .

A randomized clinical trial compared closure with interrupted nonabsorbable suture to interrupted absorbable suture (buried 4-0 Moncryl dermal sutures versus 4-0 nylon horizontal mattress sutures) in patients undergoing open carpal tunnel release, and found at 2 weeks after surgery:

  • Patients rated the absorbable closure as preferable in terms of scar thickness, irregularity, and total score (using the validated Mean Patient Scar Assessment Scale)
    • The between-group differences probably were large enough to be considered clinically important
    • There were no differences in terms of pain, itching, color, or stiffness
  • Independent observers (not the surgeons themselves) rated the absorbable closures as superior in all metrics
    • The between-group differences generally were small and may not have been clinically important

There were no between-group differences at 6 weeks after surgery, but there’s still something you can use here, so read on.

How’s It Stack Up?