No Increase in Infertility or Painful Sexual Intercourse in Female Patients After High-energy Pelvic Fractures

A somewhat surprising finding that is worth knowing (and sharing)

No Increase in Infertility or Painful Sexual Intercourse in Female Patients After High-energy Pelvic Fractures

What’s the Claim?

A meta-analysis of six studies of female patients who sustained high-energy pelvic fractures compared these patients — more than 750 — to aged-matched rates from the available published evidence in terms of risk of fertility and dyspareunia (difficulty or pain with sexual intercourse) at a median of 5 years after injury. Compared to patients who never had a pelvic fracture, those who sustained high-energy pelvic fractures had:

  • No increase in the hazard ratio of infertility
  • No increase in the hazard ratio of dyspareunia

Interestingly, they noted a trend over time toward more of these patients delivering via caesarian section, though there is no particular evidence suggesting this ought to be the mode of choice.

How’s It Stack Up?