NEJM Study Says Ditch Cementless Hemiarthroplasty Stems for Hip Fractures

Cementless stems result in more periprosthetic fractures than cemented ones in patients having hip hemiarthroplasty for fracture

NEJM Study Says Ditch Cementless Hemiarthroplasty Stems for Hip Fractures

Editor’s Note: From time to time, CORRelations runs a short post on older, important studies that readers may not have seen because of where they were published. Here is one.

What’s the Claim?

A large randomized trial published last year in the New England Journal of Medicine found that cemented hemiarthroplasty outperformed cementless hemiarthroplasty in terms of health-related quality of life and had a much lower risk of periprosthetic fracture a year after surgery for femoral neck fracture. Over 1200 patients participated, and they ranged in functional level from community ambulators to patients who resided in nursing homes. The between-group difference in quality of life was modest — about the same as the difference as a new diagnosis of asthma — but the odds of periprosthetic fracture were more than four times greater in the cementless group. There were no differences between the groups in deaths or other complications.

How’s It Stack Up?