ICYMI: Iffy Suggestions About Posterior Malleolar Fragments in Ankle ORIF

Design shortcomings undermine a big study's message

ICYMI: Iffy Suggestions About Posterior Malleolar Fragments in Ankle ORIF
Editor’s Note: Sometimes at CORRelations, we’ll cover an article we think is likely to cross your desk, but is one whose message we have reservations about. Here’s one. — SSL

What’s the Claim?

A meta-analysis concluded in favor of ORIF of posterior malleolar fragments during surgical treatment of bi- or trimalleolar ankle fractures rather than closed reduction using AP screws or no treatment. We covered this one for our Fractures & Trauma readers and are reprising it here since CORRelations’ Foot & Ankle subscribers may get asked by partners to pick up the tough ankle fractures.

Meta-analyses get a lot of attention and sometimes result in practice changes, but we have reservations about this one.

  • We recommend not changing your current practice based on this study’s findings.

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