Here’s Your FREE “Efficient Practice” Booklet

We invite you to join the growing CORRelations community

Here’s Your FREE “Efficient Practice” Booklet

CORRelations is a subscription e-newsletter serving the busy orthopaedic surgeon. Published most weekdays, CORRelations delivers subspecialty-level insights from the most-practical, highest-quality evidence.

CORRelations is subspecialty-focused and covers each subspecialty every week as long as there is good information out there to report on.

Your FREE Gift

To provide you with a sample of what you would receive as a subscriber to CORRelations, we’re happy to offer you this guide to saving money, improving margins, and increasing patient satisfaction — all drawn from our “Efficient Practice” feature.

We hope you choose to join the growing CORRelations community, and I personally look forward to serving you with the best and most helpful insights I can.


Seth Leopold, MD

Would You Like to Highlight Your Practice?

Would you like to share a suggestion about your Efficient Practice? CORRelations would like to hear about it, and perhaps feature it in a future post in this section. Please email us to get in touch. Thank you.