Get Through the Day Faster — Share This Resource With Your Practice Manager

Check out this freely available playbook that can save you, and your practice, time and money.

Get Through the Day Faster — Share This Resource With Your Practice Manager
Smart Practice: Share this resource with your practice manager, and schedule a practice-group meeting to discuss which steps you can implement. You will be glad that you did.

Most posts in CORRelations’ “Need to Know” section are oriented around the newest and most-practical orthopaedic surgery discoveries. By contrast, much of the rest of CORRelations — including our “Efficient Practice” and “Practical Economics” sections — focus on improving throughput and margins, in addition to moves from the feds that can change how your practice earns.

Today I’ll step a little out of line to point you to a practice-efficiency toolkit that I thought was worth a look. But first, a nondisclosure disclosure — CORRelations doesn’t carry water for any society, and although the toolkit I’m sharing was produced by the American Medical Association, CORRelations has no association with the AMA (and for the record, I am not and have never been an AMA member).

It’s called the Saving Time Playbook, and it’s freely available in full-text form even if you don’t belong to the AMA. The Playbook focuses on “process improvement, timesaving workflows, and efficiency of practice,” among other things, and is premised on the idea that “while burnout manifests in individuals, it originates in systems,” a view that I very much share.

You won’t be able to make all — or even many — of the changes it suggests yourself. You’ll have to work with your partners and practice administrators. And since the document is a systems-level tool, for best effect, I’d suggest starting by sharing it with your practice manager and CEO, and perhaps calling a practice-group meeting to follow. While some of the ideas are more oriented toward internal-medicine practices (the “M” in “AMA” does mean something), many of them generalize well to our practice settings, too.

Some of my favorite suggestions involve what the Playbook calls “de-implementing” — removing steps we do, redundantly and frequently, that don’t add value.

Although the Playbook is a 31-page document, it reads quickly and functions as a sort of efficient-practice ecosystem by linking to other helpful resources (my favorite being what it calls the GROSS — “Getting Rid of Stupid Stuff” — toolkit).

Check out the Saving Time Playbook, and share it with your practice leadership. I think it’ll be worth your time, and theirs.


Jin J, Reimer J, Brown M, Sinsky C. STEPS Forward Playbook Series: Saving Time Playbook, v 2.0. American Medical Association; 2022.