A Better, Time-Saving Approach to Hiring the Right People

A structured approach to screening and evaluating candidates for staff positions reduced turnover in one busy private practice by 50%

A Better, Time-Saving Approach to Hiring the Right People

CORRelations staff regularly visits with leaders at efficient practices to learn about the innovations, modifications, or upgrades that have made big differences.

This week, CORRelations spoke with Terri Kraft, MHA, CEO of the American Hip Institute. The AHI is a subspecialized center in Chicago, IL, built specifically to care for patients with adult hip disorders. It is a high-volume institute consisting of hip surgeons who have special expertise in every aspect of comprehensive hip care, from hip arthroscopy and hip preservation surgery to complex revision arthroplasty.

CORRelations: What’s been the biggest game-changer for your practice in the last year or two?

Terry Kraft, MHA: American Hip Institute’s mission is to provide patients an elite level of attention and care in a research-based setting. Knowing that people are the most important tool we have for accomplishing this mission, in the last two years we dedicated ourselves to formalizing a new, rigorous hiring process for all our open positions. The new process consists of a combination of a predetermined set of outcomes and competencies that every candidate must possess to be successful in the position, a four-question screening interview designed to quickly identify candidates who do not meet these criteria (see below), and an in-person interview (for those who pass the screening interview) with a different set of defined questions designed to further assess alignment with our organization. In addition, we mix in a discussion on our core values and wrap up with one final “magic question.” If they pass on all fronts, we know they are worth pursuing.

CORRelations: Why are you so excited about it?